Regulations for forex broker license in Vanuatu

The monitoring of financial companies is overseen by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). The VFSC ensures financial stability, transparency, and accountability within the forex market, making Vanuatu an attractive destination for forex businesses.

Taxation of forex companies in Vanuatu

  • international companies, including forex brokers, are not subjected to several forms of local taxation. This includes the absence of taxes on dividends, royalties, and corporate profits
  • This tax regime is designed to facilitate the economic growth of forex businesses by minimizing tax-related overheads, thus enabling more efficient capital allocation and investment into business expansion and development

Types of Forex licensing in Vanuatu

License typeDescription of license
Class ATo conduct or claim to conduct the business of dealing in the following securities
  • Debenture stocks
  • Loan stock and bonds
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Proceeds of foreign exchange
Class BTo conduct or claim to conduct the business of dealing in future contracts and derivative products, including but not limited to:
  • Futures
  • Options
Class CTo conduct or claim to conduct the business of dealing in the following securities:
  • Shares in the share capital of a corporation
  • Proceeds from precious metals
  • Proceeds from commodities
  • Rights, regardless of whether they are conferred by warrant, to subscribe for shares or debt securities
  • Rights under depository receipts
  • Options to acquire or dispose of any security covered by other provisions of the Act
  • Rights under contracts for the acquisition of securities

Overview of requirements to obtain forex license in Vanuatu

  • Ensure you meet all the necessary legal and operational requirements, including company formation, your website content, and establishing efficient operational control procedures.
  • Contribution share capital of US$50,000.
  • Showcasing the impeccable reputation and professional suitability of key individuals in your team, with a clean criminal record to their names.
  • Providing evidence of strong financial stability.
  • Conducting standard due diligence procedures, including thorough identity verification and the submission of valid proof of address.
  • Creating comprehensive business plan that not only outlines your goals but also details your target market and where they are located.
  • Appointing a dedicated AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing) Compliance Officer, responsible for periodic reporting to the authorities.
  • Establishing a physical presence with a local office, ensuring a tangible commitment to the Vanuatu community.
  • Comply with AML/CFT policies and appointing an AML/CTF Compliance.
  • Independent auditor to deliver reliable financial reports.
  • Developing effective procedures to handle customer complaints and swiftly address any issues of dissatisfaction, enhancing your service quality.

Estimated time frames to obtain forex license in Vanuatu

Business name verification

1-5 days

Company formation

up to 2 weeks

Documents preparation

1 month

Financial license obtainment from VFSC

2-4 months*

* The timeline also depends on the workload of VFSC and any clarifications and queries that VFSC may request in relation to the application.

Legal services for obtaining Forex license in Vanuatu

Basic Package

20,000USD initial set up

  • Turnkey company formation
  • Registering share capital
    (50,000 USD)
  • Legal address for 1 year
  • Corporate documents
  • AML/KYC policies and other internal documents
  • HR services for appointing required local employees (Director, MLRO, Compliance)
  • Search for business premises for rent
  • Applying for the license and ongoing monitoring

Registration of the Forex Dealer licensed company under the minimum regulatory requirements

Additional services available on request

  • Business plan
  • Adaptation of prepared documents
  • Accounting services
  • Legal opinion
  • Assistance in opening bank account
  • Setting up KYC/KYT provider
  • Apostilled corporate documents
  • Legal support

Ready-Made solution

available on request

  • Registered company
  • Legal address for 1 year
  • No debts, no liabilities – clean company
  • Registered share capital
  • Active license
  • Corporate documents
  • Assistance with transfer of ownership

Jegor Kupratsevits

Head of Finance Projects

Requirements for Forex licensing in Vanuatu

List of required documents

  • KYC & Personal Questionnaire Forms: Covering business activities, company details, shareholder and information, with additional requirement for evidence of incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Business Plan & Financial Projections: Strategy, financial outlook, marketing, KYC procedures, and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.
  • Proof and Source of Funds: Demonstrating financial capability and legality of capital sources.
  • CVs of Key Personnel: Resumes of all individuals in significant roles, such as directors and the AML officer, highlighting their qualifications and experience in the financial sector
  • Personal Questionnaire (PQ) Form: A comprehensive form filled out by key personnel and significant shareholders, providing detailed personal and professional information to assess their suitability and integrity for their roles within the company.
  • Implementation of Policies and procedures: Establishment and documentation of internal policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance and operational integrity.
  • Insurance: Obtaining an insurance quote for the business and submitting it along with the application is advised.
  • Platform and Liquidity Providers Information: Details on trading platforms, liquidity providers, and technology infrastructure.

Share Capital and Government Fees

  • Minimum Share Capital: The minimum share capital requirement for obtaining forex license in Vanuatu is set at VUV 5,000,000, which is approximately 50,000 USD.
  • Bank Account: Opening a local bank account in Vanuatu is necessary for depositing share capital and handling transactions.
  • Government Fees: The government processing fee is $2,000, while the annual fee is $5,000.

Personnel Requirements

  • Director and Management: The company must appoint at least one director and one manager who resides locally in Vanuatu to ensure proper governance and operational oversight.
  • Compliance Officers: The appointment of a Compliance Officer is mandatory, with the flexibility for this individual to be based outside Vanuatu. Additionally, an Alternate Compliance Officer may also be appointed and can be a non-resident.
  • Auditor: The audit firm should be approved by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC)

Business premises requirements

  • A physical office within Vanuatu is required to establish a tangible presence and facilitate regulatory and administrative functions.

Roadmap of obtaining Forex license in Vanuatu

For more detailed road map of the project and commercial offer – get in touch with our Forex professional.

Jegor Kupratsevits

Head of Finance Projects


Company Registration

The process of registering your company with the local registry in Vanuatu, involving the rental of a local office and ensuring compliance with all regulations. Company registration can be completed online, eliminating the need for personal visit.


Corporate Bank Account Opening

Simultaneously conducted with company registration, this stage involves the establishment of a corporate bank account, which is essential for depositing the $50,000 share capital required for obtaining the license and for the operation of your brokerage firm.


Licensing Documentation Preparation

The essential job of putting together a complete set of corporate documents as per the regulator’s requirements. Mandatory documents for a Vanuatu Forex license application include certified copies of identity documents, proof of address (e.g., certified utility bill), bank statements, applicant’s CV, evidence of a clean criminal record and bankruptcy-free status, a 3-year business plan, a financial plan, and proof of office space rental.


License Application Submission

The step where you must complete a licensing application form and remit the $2,000 state fee after gathering the necessary documentation. It is crucial to provide accurate information. Additionally, ensuring a realistic and economically viable business plan, timely transfer of the share capital to a bank account, and compliance with government fee payments is essential.


License Acquisition

The final stage where the VFSC will grant the Forex License in Vanuatu. The average review and issuance period typically span 2-3 months. However, if the regulator requests additional documents, the process may extend beyond this timeframe.

Advantages of registration Forex company in Vanuatu

Links for legislation related to Forex business in Vanuatu

Establishes a legal framework for partnerships, prioritizing flexibility and the protection of members’ rights.

Ensures the uniqueness of business names and prevents the use of misleading or similar terms.

Establishes a legal framework for digital transactions and electronic signatures, promoting e-commerce.

Outlines the standards for the licensing and supervision of financial intermediaries, detailing activity, capital, and compliance requirements.

Details the qualifications and regulatory adherence necessary for obtaining a financial dealer license in Vanuatu.

Regulates the entire lifecycle of joint-stock companies, with a strong focus on protecting shareholder rights.

Aims to ensure the stock market operates fairly and transparently, protecting investors and the public interest.

Provides guidance for financial institutions on maintaining compliance with AML standards.

Establishes governance standards for global corporations, emphasizing investor protection and international compliance.

Describes the VFSC’s powers and duties, fostering an investment-conducive and well-governed financial sector.

Vanuatu Forex license regulatory body

Through these regulations, the VFSC ensures a structured and secure environment for financial operations, contributing to Vanuatu’s growth as a global financial center.

FAQ about Forex license in Vanuatu

1. What benefits does Vanuatu offer for obtaining a Forex License?

Vanuatu offers various benefits from obtaining a Forex license, such as a strong regulatory system, tax benefits, and a commitment to maintaining a transparent and welcoming environment for forex trading.

2. Who needs to obtain a Forex trading license in Vanuatu?

Any company that wants to engage in forex trading or provide related investment services in Vanuatu needs to get a trading license from the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC).

3. Is it possible for foreign entities to apply for a Forex license in Vanuatu?

Foreign companies are indeed allowed to apply for a Forex license in Vanuatu, as long as they meet the local operational requirements and adhere to the VFSC’s regulations.

4. For how long is a Vanuatu Forex license valid?

The duration of a Forex license in Vanuatu is governed by the VFSC's policies. License holders must renew their license regularly in accordance with the regulatory body’s standards and pay any necessary renewal fees.

5. What services can be offered with a Vanuatu financial license?

With a Vanuatu financial license, a business can provide various services such as forex trading, investment advice, asset management, and brokerage services.

6. What is the expected timeframe for obtaining a Forex license in Vanuatu?

The time it takes to get a Forex license in Vanuatu typically ranges from three to five months. This period can vary based on how quickly the necessary documents are provided and how efficiently the VFSC processes the application. Applicants should also plan for the time needed to prepare their documentation and fulfill all the regulatory requirements.

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