Regulations for Forex broker license in Seychelles

The Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) is in charge of overseeing non-bank financial services in the Seychelles. Created by the Financial Services Authority Act , 2013, its duties include:

  1. Issuing licenses
  2. Regulating activities
  3. Enforcing rules and compliance standards
  4. Monitoring business conduct in the non-bank financial sector in Seychelles.

Obtaining a Forex license in Seychelles involves adhering to a set of regulations and requirements established by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). These regulations are designed to ensure the integrity and stability of the financial market while providing a conducive environment for business operations. Below are the key regulations and requirements for obtaining a Forex broker license in Seychelles:

1. Legal Framework

1. Legal Framework

The primary legislation governing Forex brokers in Seychelles is the Securities Act, 2007. This Act outlines the regulatory requirements and the role of the FSA in overseeing financial services activities.

2. Licensing Requirements

2. Licensing Requirements

To obtain a Forex broker license, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Company Registration: The applicant must be a Seychelles International Business Company (IBC) or a Seychelles Special License Company (CSL).
  • Capital Requirements: A minimum paid-up capital is required, typically around USD 50,000, although this amount can vary based on the specific nature and scale of operations.
  • Directors and Shareholders: The company must have at least two directors, and all directors and significant shareholders must pass a fit and proper test, demonstrating integrity, competence, and financial soundness.
  • Local Presence: While physical office space is not mandatory, the company must have a registered office and a registered agent in Seychelles.
3. Application Process

3. Application Process

The application process involves submitting several documents and information to the FSA, including:

  • Completed Application Form: This form includes detailed information about the company, its business plan, and its proposed operations.
  • Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan outlining the company’s objectives, strategies, target market, and risk management policies.
  • Corporate Documents: These include the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, and details of directors and shareholders.
  • Compliance Policies: Documentation of anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures, as well as other compliance and risk management policies.
  • Financial Statements: Audited financial statements or financial projections for newly established companies.
4. Regulatory Compliance

4. Regulatory Compliance

Licensed Forex brokers must comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, including:

  • Reporting Obligations: Regular submission of financial reports, including annual audited financial statements and other periodic reports as required by the FSA.
  • AML/CTF Compliance: Adherence to stringent anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations, including the implementation of appropriate customer due diligence (CDD) measures and reporting suspicious activities.
  • Conduct of Business: Ensuring fair and transparent dealings with clients, maintaining adequate financial resources, and adhering to best practices in risk management and client protection.
  • Internal Controls: Establishing robust internal control systems to monitor and manage risks effectively.
5. Supervision and Enforcement

5. Supervision and Enforcement

The FSA actively supervises licensed Forex brokers through periodic inspections, audits, and monitoring of compliance with regulatory requirements. The FSA has the authority to impose penalties, revoke licenses, or take other enforcement actions in cases of non-compliance or misconduct.

The regulatory framework for Forex broker licenses in Seychelles in 2024 is designed to balance robust oversight with business-friendly policies. By adhering to these regulations, Forex brokers can benefit from a reputable jurisdiction that supports their growth and ensures the protection of their clients’ interests.

Types of Forex licensing in Seychelles

License typeDescription of forex license in Seychelles
Dealer LicenseThis Dealer license in Seychelles is crucial for companies looking to engage directly in the buying and selling of financial instruments, including forex. Holders of a dealer license can operate in various capacities, such as:
  • Trading for their own account (market making) – where the company profits from the bid-ask spread of financial instruments;
  • Brokerage services, acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers and earning a commission for their services;
  • Providing liquidity and executing trades on behalf of clients.
Investment Advisor LicenseAn investment advisor license in Seychelles is tailored for entities focused on providing advisory services rather than direct trading or brokerage services. These services can include:
  • Forex advice, offering insights and recommendations on currency trading strategies;
  • Strategic currency trading, providing guidance on long-term currency positions based on macroeconomic indicators, geopolitical events, and market analysis;
  • General investment advice, covering a broader spectrum of financial planning and investment strategy beyond just forex;
  • This forex license in Seychelles is suited for firms specializing in financial analysis and advisory services, helping clients to make informed investment decisions.
Specially Licensed Company License (CSL)The CSL license in Seychelles is a flexible license that accommodates a wide range of business activities, including forex trading. It offers:
  • Flexibility in business operations, allowing for a broader scope of services beyond just financial services;
  • Potential tax benefits, as CSLs might be subject to different tax regulations compared to other licensed entities, depending on the specific business activities and structure;
  • This license can be a good fit for companies looking to combine forex trading with other business ventures under a single corporate entity.

Overview of requirements to obtain forex license in Seychelles

  • Incorporate a company under the Seychelles Companies Act.
  • Appoint a minimum of two fit and proper individuals as directors.
  • Secure a minimum paid-up capital of USD 50,000.
  • Ensure the compliance officer is deemed fit and proper.
  • Establish a physical business presence in Seychelles appropriate for maintaining records among other functions.
  • Demonstrate previous experience in the financial background of the shareholder.

Estimated time frames

Business name verification

1-5 days

Company formation

up to 2 weeks

Documents preparation

1 month

Forex license obtainment

3-4 months*

* The timeline also depends on the workload of FSA and any clarifications and queries that FSA may request in relation to the application.

Legal services for obtaining Forex license in Seychelles

Basic Package

30,000USD initial set up

  • Turnkey company formation
  • Registering share capital
  • Legal address for 1 year
  • Corporate documents
  • AML/KYC policies and other internal documents
  • HR services for appointing required local employees (Director, MLRO, Compliance)
  • Search for business premises for rent
  • Applying for the license and ongoing monitoring

Registration of the Forex Dealer licensed company under the minimum regulatory requirements

Additional services on request:

  • Individual business plan
  • Adaptation of prepared documents
  • Accounting services
  • Preparation of legal opinion
  • Assistance in opening bank account
  • Setting up KYC/KYT provider
  • Apostilled corporate documents
  • Legal support

Ready-Made solution

available on request

  • Registered company
  • Legal address for 1 year
  • No debts, no liabilities – clean company
  • Registered share capital
  • Active license
  • Corporate documents
  • Assistance with transfer of ownership

Jegor Kupratsevits

Head of Finance Projects

Requirements for Forex licensing in Seychelles

List of required documents

  • Cover letter: A formal cover letter, signed by the applicant or their representative, introducing the application.
  • Completed Application Form: Submission of a completed Application Form, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • Personal Questionnaire (PQ) Form: Completion of Personal Questionnaire Forms by each relevant party, providing comprehensive personal and professional information.
  • Proof of funds: Providing evidence demonstrating the source of funds or wealth supporting the business activities for obtaining forex license in Seychelles.
  • Proof of Physical Office: Submission of proof of physical place of office, including Title Deed of Premises or Lease Agreement.
  • Representative License Application Forms: Completion of Representative License Application Forms for each prospective representative, detailing their roles and responsibilities.
  • Insurance: Obtaining and submitting an insurance quotation appropriate to the proposed business.
  • Business Plan: Preparation and submission of a detailed Business Plan, outlining strategies, financial projections, and compliance measures.
  • Manuals and Policies: Documentation of internal policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance and operational integrity.

Share Capital and Government Fees

  • Minimum paid-up capital: Upholding a minimum paid-up capital of US$ 50,000 to demonstrate financial capability and stability.
  • Application fees: Payment of relevant application fees as specified (Securities Dealer License in Seychelles – US$1,500, Securities Dealer Representative License in Seychelles – US$500).

Personnel Requirements

  • Compliance officer: Appointment of a compliance officer responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Directors: Appointment of a minimum of 2 natural person directors.
  • Fitness and propriety: Ensuring that all personnel meet stringent fitness and propriety standards, enhancing trust and integrity within the organization.
  • Auditor: Appointment of an approved auditor for annual audit of accounts.

Business premises requirements

  • Ensuring office within the jurisdiction for obtaining forex license in Seychelles. Maintaining suitable premises for record-keeping.

Roadmap of obtaining Forex license in Seychelles

For more detailed road map of the project and commercial offer – get in touch with our Forex professional.

Jegor Kupratsevits

Head of Finance Projects


Initial Setup

The initial phase involves thorough due diligence on all company stakeholders to align with the regulations of Seychelles. Support is provided for creating necessary documents including agreements, business plans, and compliance manuals, tailored to the specific regulations of Seychelles. The process includes gathering and organizing all required documents for a comprehensive submission to the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA).


HR & Compliance Team Assembly

Options are presented for the selection of experienced local compliance teams, familiar with Seychelles’ regulatory environment. Support extends to the recruitment process, ensuring that selected personnel fulfill the FSA’s requirements.



The submission phase focuses on the careful review and submission of the complete application package to the FSA for obtaining forex license in Seychelles. The initiation of the bank account opening process in Seychelles is also undertaken during this stage.


Follow up

Regular interaction with the FSA is maintained to address inquiries or additional information requests. The bank account setup also progresses, with attention given to providing any additional documentation requested.



Upon receiving approval, assistance is provided in finalizing the formalities for obtaining the official Securities Dealer License from the FSA. This includes support in obtaining the Certificate of Incorporation.


Operational Launch

The commencement of operations under the Seychelles regulatory framework marks this stage. Continuous support is offered in compliance monitoring and regulatory reporting to maintain adherence to FSA guidelines.

This roadmap outlines the strategic process for obtaining a Securities Dealer License in Seychelles, highlighting meticulous planning, legal expertise, and operational support, ensuring a seamless transition to fully licensed operations.

Detailed Time Frames to Obtain a Forex License in Seychelles

Obtaining a Forex license in Seychelles typically involves several stages and can vary in terms of the overall timeline. The process generally includes preparation, application submission, review by regulatory authorities, and final approval. Here’s a breakdown of the estimated time frames involved:

1. Preparation Stage

Time Frame: 3-6 weeks

During this stage, the applicant prepares all necessary documentation, including the business plan, corporate documents, financial statements, compliance policies, and other required forms. This period also involves structuring the company according to Seychelles regulations, such as establishing a local office or appointing a registered agent if necessary.

2. Application Submission

Time Frame: 1-2 weeks

Once all documents are prepared and in order, the application is submitted to the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). This includes completing the application form and paying the required application fees.

3. Review and Processing

Time Frame: 3-4 months can vary

The FSA conducts a thorough review of the application, including assessing the business plan, financial viability, compliance with regulatory requirements, and the fit and proper status of directors and shareholders. During this period, the FSA may request additional information or clarification.

4. Approval and Licensing

Time Frame: 3-6 days after successful review

Upon satisfactory completion of the review process, the FSA grants the Forex license. This stage involves finalizing any outstanding requirements, such as paying licensing fees and submitting any remaining documentation.

Total Estimated Time Frame

Factors Influencing Timeline

Obtaining a Forex license in Seychelles involves a structured process that requires careful preparation and adherence to regulatory guidelines. While the estimated time frames provide a general guideline, actual timelines may vary based on specific circumstances and regulatory developments. It’s advisable for applicants to engage with experienced legal and financial advisors like Legalaes to navigate the process efficiently and ensure compliance with all requirements.

Advantages of registration Forex company in Seychelles

Links for legislation related to Forex business in Seychelles

Sets the regulatory framework for Seychelles’ securities and capital markets, overseen by the Financial Services Authority. It aims to ensure market fairness, efficiency, and transparency, protecting the interests of issuers, investors, and intermediaries.

Establishes measures against money laundering and terrorism financing, detailing obligations for financial institutions to prevent, detect, and report financial crimes, aligning Seychelles with international standards.

Regulates the establishment and operation of International Business Companies, offering ease of incorporation, operational flexibility, and privacy, aiming to attract international business.

Provides criteria for obtaining a securities dealer license in Seychelles, including qualifications, financial requirements, and operational capabilities, ensuring only qualified entities offer trading services.

Seychelles Forex license regulatory body

Taxation of Forex companies in Seychelles

In Seychelles, the taxation of forex companies is structured to provide a competitive and favorable environment for international business activities. Here’s an overview of the key aspects of taxation for forex companies in Seychelles:

1. Corporate Taxation

1. Corporate Taxation

  • Standard Corporate Tax Rate sourced in ‎Seychelles: The corporate tax rate in Seychelles is 25% on taxable income. This rate applies to all income generated from forex trading activities, including profits from trading operations, commissions, and other related income generated in Seychelles.
  • Corporate income tax is set at 1.5% on worldwide gross income.
  • Exemptions and Incentives: Seychelles offers various tax exemptions and incentives to encourage investment and economic development. These may include tax holidays for specific sectors or activities, reduced rates for certain types of income, and exemptions from withholding tax on dividends, interest, and royalties paid to non-residents.
2. Withholding Taxes

2. Capital Gains Tax

  • Dividends: Dividends paid by a forex company to its shareholders are subject to a withholding tax of 10%. However, dividends paid to non-residents are generally exempt from withholding tax.
  • Interest and Royalties: Payments of interest and royalties to non-residents are also typically exempt from withholding tax.
3. Value Added Tax (VAT)

3. Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST)

  • VAT Registration: Forex companies operating in Seychelles may be required to register for VAT if their taxable turnover exceeds a certain threshold, which is SCR 1 million (approximately USD 73,000) per year as of the current regulations.
  • VAT Rate: The standard VAT rate in Seychelles is 15%. However, certain financial services, including forex trading, may be exempt from VAT, depending on specific provisions in the VAT Act.
4. Double Taxation Treaties (DTTs)

4. Mining Operations

Seychelles has entered into several Double Taxation Treaties with other countries to prevent double taxation and encourage cross-border trade and investment. These treaties may provide reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties, among other benefits, for companies that qualify.

5. Capital Gains Tax

5. Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains arising from the sale of assets by a forex company are generally not subject to tax in Seychelles, unless the assets are specifically designated as taxable under Seychelles law.

Overall, Seychelles provides a competitive tax regime for forex companies, characterized by a moderate corporate tax rate, exemptions for certain types of income, and incentives to promote investment. Understanding these tax considerations is crucial for forex companies planning to establish operations in Seychelles, ensuring compliance with local regulations while optimizing their tax liabilities.

FAQ about Forex license in Seychelles

1. Why is Seychelles considered one of the most practical locations for obtaining a license?

Seychelles is renowned for offering low taxation to its license holders, coupled with moderate compliance requirements and affordable company maintenance costs. Additionally, its strict confidentiality policy ensures that the identities of license owners are not publicly disclosed.

2. Who can apply for a Forex license in Seychelles?

Both individuals and foreign legal entities looking to establish a branch in Seychelles are eligible to apply for the license.

3. I am already licensed in another jurisdiction; will this impact the application process in Seychelles?

Yes, and positively so. Having a license from another country is seen favorably by the commission as it indicates your compliance with important regulations such as AML/CFT and market integrity. This existing compliance is a positive indicator during the application process.

4. How long does it take to receive a license?

The process typically takes about 2-3 months from when the application is submitted to the regulator until the license is issued. During this period, the regulator may request additional clarifications. At Legalaes, we ensure that any questions from the regulator are addressed promptly to avoid unnecessary delays.

5. What kind of services can I offer with a financial license from Seychelles?

A financial license in Seychelles allows you to offer a wide range of services, including brokerage, advisory, and trading services.

6. How can my clients verify that my license is valid?

Once a license is granted, the FSA includes information about the company, such as its name and contact details, on their website. This allows end clients to verify the validity of the license. The regulator regularly updates the Regulatory section of its website, including issuing scam alerts about companies falsely claiming to have an FSA license when it is missing.

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